Configuring EC2 for Redis

Ubuntu 18.04 out of the box from AWS is not setup properly to support Redis. Enable Overcommit Memory login via SSH sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf Add the following to the end of the file and save. # VM for Redisvm.overcommit_memory=1 Reboot the server. Disable Huge Pages From: login via SSH sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/disable-thp.service Add this […]

AWS Cloud Configuration

landscape photography of mountains covered in snow

OmniBlocks® REST API Server aka OmniBlocks® BE Server. July 2022 Runs on an EC2 instance deployed via Jenkins as a git listener in a CI/CD environment. The app is a node server managed by PM2. The auth module utilizes Redis. AWS Services EC2 Servers OmniBlocks Live BE t3.medium => m6i.large OmniBlocks Staging BE t3.medium OmniBlocks […]

July 11th 2022 10:12AM EST Downtime Analysis & Remediation

aerial photo of vehicles in the city

Cause Live BE server stopped responding. Actions RDS server was still responding, but showing 20 open connections. EC2 server was not responding, SSH unresponsive, Jenkins (http) unresponsive. AWS reboot of the EC2 instance never finished (5m).AWS stop instance never finished (5m).AWS force stop took 3m+, eventually stopped.Instance manually restarted via AWS console. Forced PM2 restart […]

Copying Production DB Server to Develop

flock of sheep eating grass

The current configuration (through July 6 2022) hosts the production, staging, develop, and independent developer databases all on a single RDS server. While this makes it very fast and easy to replicate production data to the develop and staging databases, it does mean a shared database server. The memory and CPU resource will be utilized […]