Data Migrations In The OmniBlocks® API

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Data migrations are handled via the Knex migration system. Migrations provide a managed and version-control-backed method for modifying the data structures that support the API. Adding A Migration yarn add-migration <newMigrationName> creates a duplicate of migration.stub.ts that includes -the needed module-alias import and -a standard/initial TS up/down export setup. Running A Migration You’ll first need […]

JSDoc commentary with CTRL-click navigation

TS-friendly, ctrl-click navigable variable references in jsDoc comment blocks How: Import whateverVar as a type-only import Then in your jsDoc comment, you can @link to that variable: You can then ctrl-click to navigate directly to whateverVar declaration / jsDoc commentary in the code. (at least in VS code – but I imagine the other modern […]

Users Module

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List Users Click on Users in the left sidebar to show a list of users. Columns ID Unique user ID Name user name Email Users email, linked to the default browser mail tool. Role Users role. Tenant Only listed for super admin. Token API token, only listed for site admins. Actions Actions Related Adding and […]

OmniBlocks® Release Notes v1.73

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Dashboard Inventory Received Inventory Report The received inventory report has a new view option to get a quick on-screen preview of the downloadable CSV file. Sales Orders List of Orders The product SKU in the products column is now linked to the inventory page with a filter action that will show only the selected SKU. […]

API Documentation

The API documentation is generated with a jsDoc tool whenever the develop server is updated. The document generation command is built into the API’s package.json as a command. This command it run via the Jenkins configuration script on the Develop Backend Server whenever it detects code changes on the develop branch of the API codebase. […]