Copying Production DB Server to Develop

flock of sheep eating grass

The current configuration (through July 6 2022) hosts the production, staging, develop, and independent developer databases all on a single RDS server. While this makes it very fast and easy to replicate production data to the develop and staging databases, it does mean a shared database server. The memory and CPU resource will be utilized […]

Data Migrations In The OmniBlocks® API

city technology architecture luxury

Data migrations are handled via the Knex migration system. Migrations provide a managed and version-control-backed method for modifying the data structures that support the API. Adding A Migration yarn add-migration <newMigrationName> creates a duplicate of migration.stub.ts that includes -the needed module-alias import and -a standard/initial TS up/down export setup. Running A Migration You’ll first need […]

Updating Data Structures After Restoring Live Data

Sometimes the data from the production system needs to be restored to staging or development servers. If the latest version being tested on those servers has a data migration as part of the new release, a manual re-deployment of the code is required to re-trigger the data migration scripts. As of OmniBlocks® version 1.71 the […]