Data Structure: Custom Templates

The custom_templates table stores the templates for the Form Builder module. Fields Name Stores the name of the template. Section A large array of JSON objects that holds the sections used to build the template. It stores an actual copy of the section as it was configured when the template was created. The original source […]

OmniBlocks® Release Notes v1.68

Inventory Edit and Split Into Lots The data engine has been updated to carry less load and provide a faster response time when editing inventory data or splitting into lots. Move Inventory Automove Move Inventory has an Automove feature which is enabled by default. When enabled it allows a user to scan a SKU to […]

OmniBlocks® Release Notes v1.67

Manufacturing SaaS

Most of the work on this release has been with behind-the-scenes refactoring to create a clear separation between MMR processes and Production processes. MMR Module The MMR module has had extensive updates to the data engine. Average MMR listing page loading time has been improved from an average of 10s to < 1s. MMR Table […]

Importing CSV Data with DataGrip

Datagrip is a database management app from JetBrains. Video: How To Import CSV Files With Datagrip Video: Formatting a CSV for Import With DataGrip 2020-07-23_11-39-19

OmniBlocks® Release Notes v1.66

Certification Marks The main certification mark listing table has a couple of updates. You can now filter the marks to only show those that have at least one completed batch. The SKU column now links to the Inventory page and pre-filters the inventory to show the matching SKU. API Support For TruInsights® Quality Checks The […]

DRY Principles

Don’t Repeat Yourself is a common software design principle that we employ at Research Blocks. Whenever you find yourself doing a copy/paste of code and not changing much (if any) of the pasted code, consider creating a utility function or a new component to do the work. Here is an example from version 1.67 Front […]

Hunting Down Main Modules

The main modules are the primary navigation elements on the sidebar , header, or footer of the main OmniBlocks® app. Legacy Architecture: Containers The legacy architecture uses containers and relies heavily on redux/saga within the containers. Latest Architecture : Pages Starting in 1.67 a new naming convention will use a folder name pages where context-based […]

OmniBlocks® Release Notes v1.64

set of cosmetic supply on marble shelf in modern bathroom

Suppliers Supplier Addresses Suppliers can now have 1 or more addresses associated with them via the add or edit supplier popup. Several address type categories are available with this release including: Main, Billing, Shipping, and Other. + Address adds a new address and can be used multiple times for the same supplier. The minus circle […]

OmniBlocks® Release Notes v1.63

medications on white surface

Production Batch Statuses By navigating to Production module via the sidebar menu, one can see batch completability statuses in the Status section of the Batches/Production table. Hover mouse over these for more information, when available. If the Production table is loaded while some batch statuses are being calculated, they will appear as (?) icons until […]

OmniBlocks® Release Notes v1.62

person using forklift

Statements Production Records Sorting production records by batch number has been fixed. Inventory Inventory tab white screen is fixed. Users User module is now available to ALL users (production , etc.) not just admins. Only admins should be able to edit any user. All other users can only edit their own record but view all […]