Shipping Calendar
Several updates have been made to the shipping calendar including a minor user experience update.
- The date selector takes up less space.
- The date headers now show total count of shipments on each day.
- The details for each day now show
- Exact time the shipment was finalized (estimated shipment date update)
- A colored icon indicator for status
- Green check for shipped
- Blue clock for active shipments
- A grey dot for archived shipments
- The internal PO #
- The customer PO #
- Hovering over the user name in the top menu bar will show the user role.
- System Administrator “System Settings” menu is now “Configuration” with a new icon.
System Admin
- New configuration page has two main tabs
- Settings
- This contains settings for the tenants, tenant types, units. and catalog groups
- Tools
- This contains a new database tools interface for managing data assets in real time
- Copy Production data to make a real-time copy of the production database
- Update development|staging databases to use the production copy to reset testing and development data sources.