Purchase Orders Module – How to Create Purchase Orders

  1. Select the “Purchase Orders” module.
  1. Select “New Purchase Order.”
  1. Add Customer.
  1. Find the customer you’re looking for.
  1. Select a customer.
  1. Select “Add.”
  1. Enter Customer PO#.
  1. Enter the date the PO was ordered.
  1. Enter the delivery by date.
  1. Select “Next.”
  1. Select the “Formula” bar. 
  1. Find your formula.
  1. Select the formula.
  1. Select “Add.”
  1. Enter quantity per container as dictated by the formula.
  1. Enter quantity and unit of measure.
  1. Click the radio button(s) that best reflects this PO.
  1. Select “Add Formula” 

NOTE: Repeat steps 11-18 to add more formulas.

  1. Select “Next.” 
  1. Add any shipping notes if necessary.
  1. Add special notes if necessary.
  2. Finish your progress on the Purchase Order by selecting “Save.”
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