Formula calculations for production
The calculations for production batches is sometimes incorrect with the 1.67 and 1.68 builds due to older algorithms that stored incorrect values in the database. The incorrect data has been corrected in the 1.69 build, retaining the performance advantages of the MMR system refactoring.
Form Builder
Table Component
The Form Builder table component has several patches related to quirky behavior when using the table component. If the number of rows on the table was set to a higher value then reduced phantom rows would start appearing or needed rows disappear when interacting the the default values.
List of Formulas
The SKUs on the formula list now link to a pre-filtered inventory page showing only the SKU selected to provide a quick review of the inventory status of the selected SKU.
List of Batches
The SKUs on the formula list now link to a pre-filtered inventory page showing only the SKU selected to provide a quick review of the inventory status of the selected SKU.