OmniBlocks® 1.89 Release Notes

Searchability in Statements:

In the Statements tab, search has been enabled for virtually all columns (across all tables).

Users can now add keywords to multiple columns and filter by all of them.

Just add click the magnifying glass in one column, add your search param, and click “Search.” Then click the glass in another column and repeat.

Loading Bar in Statements:

Archived Inventory and Shipments tables in particular can have large datasets. A loading bar has been added to visualize the data download. After this download, table navigation, searching, and sorting actions will be near instantaneous.

For now, if you leave Statements tab after loading the table. You’ll have to load it again on return.

In a future release, these load times will diminish or disappear.

Inventory Reports:

Several bugs around Inventory Reports have been remedied. One can now access the reports in any combination without issue.

The underlying data provided by the reports will continue to be refined in future releases.

Batch Deletion:

When you delete an In Production batch, the lot that batch would have output is now automatically deleted – and will not appear in archived inventory.


The inventory “Delete” action is now a proper “Archive” action. When this action is needed, the archived inventory item will appear in Statements -> Archived Inventory.

A bug was fixed that prevented depleted inventory items from automatically archiving.

A bug was fixed that prevented PD#s from being associated with Formulas (on Add/Edit Formula)

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