Production Module – Managing Batches

Overview: Batches can be edited, deleted, and updated in real-time.

  • How to Update Batches
  1. Select the “Production” module.
  1. Search for the batch by Batch#, Name, SKU, or Current Step.
  1. Select “Document Production.”

  1. Select the process step you are on, scroll down, and document the step. 
  1. Once complete, scroll down and select “Save.”
  • How to Edit Batches

Overview: Not many details of a batch can be edited. However, formulas are the primary editable feature.

  1. Search for the batch by Batch #, Name, SKU, or Current Step.
  1. Click the down arrow and select “Document Production.”
  1. Select “Formula.”
  1. Scroll down to “Ingredients.” Select unlock. 
  1. Find the ingredient you would like to edit, click on the ID box. 
  1. Deselect the ingredient lot, and select the lot you’d like to use.
  1. Click “Select.” 
  1. Select “Lock.”

9. Scroll down and select “Save” to not lose progress.

  • How to Delete Batches

Overview: Batches should only be deleted when they’re an official confirmation of order cancellation. 

  1. Select the “Production” module.
  1. Select the dropdown arrow. 
  1. Select “Delete” to delete the batch. Doing this permanently deletes the batch, be very careful performing this action. 

NOTE: Unused inventory is put back into inventory, but mixed ingredients are removed.

  • How to Complete Batches

Overview: Once Completed, a production record is generated and stored in statements. Inventory is also updated. QC is the only one who can complete batches. 

  1. Select the “Production” module.
  1. Search for the batch by Batch#, Name, SKU, or Current Step.
  1. Select “Document Production.”

  1. Review and confirm accuracy for every portion of the batch. 
  2. Once reviewed, scroll down and select “Complete” to close the batch; only QC and Admin can complete a batch.
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