Adding Catalog Items

The catalog is where details about stock keeping units (SKUs) are maintained. It is the base source of information for inventory. As such it is tightly integrated with the inventory module.

Adding A Catalog Item

First steps to add a catalog entry.

Login as an administrator level user.

Go to Inventory.

Click the “+ SKU” button on the top right.

The Add Catalog Entry modal will appear.

Catalog Data Points

The Add Catalog Entry Modal


The name of the inventory item.

Category Group

Some of the category groups that are available.

The general category the item belongs in. This also determines the prefix of the SKU; the part of the SKU that precedes the # in the SKU number.

Note: Category Groups can be extended by a Research Blocks system administrator. If you need a category group that is not on the list, please contact us.


The base type of the SKU can be Ingredient, Component, or Product.

The selected type affects how inventory calculations are handled when producing batches. Which type is assigned impacts the “Formula Math” that determines the rate of consumption of the inventory item when producing finished products.


This type should be assigned to any final finished product that is meant to be sold and shipped to customers. Items assigned to this category are not typically part of the Formula constituents that get consumed when making finished products.


Ingredients are the raw ingredients that go into a product.

Ingredients can be impacted by production waste. As such a ingredient-type SKU is impacted by overages and other adjustments recorded when documenting production.

Ingredient-type SKUs are not consumed from inventory based on the total production run output (over or under).


Components are packaging elements that are considered part of the finished product.

Components can be impacted by production waste. As such a component-type SKU is impacted by overages and other adjustments recorded when documenting production.

Component-type SKUs are consumed from inventory based on the total production run output (over or under). This is as primary difference over ingredient-type SKUs.


SKUs can be associated with a specific brand when necessary. This is typically used for product-type SKUs (finished products) but can be assigned to any SKU if the brand is an important element.


This setting is used for public-facing information such as the ingredients records displayed on the TruInsights® app. TruInsights® manages the information consumers see when scanning the TruInsights® QR code when it is published on a finished product label.

The default setting is Public, which will display that actual ingredient name on the ingredient report.

Private will replace the name with generic text such as “Proprietary Ingredient”.

A proprietary ingredient as shown on TruInsights®.


A rich HTML description of the product that is shown in multiple places including the consumer-facing description on the TruInsights® app.


Used to upload product images.

For finished products the images will show up on the TruInsights® app as the main product images shown to consumers.

Par Level

Par level is used to set a minimum inventory level for a SKU.

When available inventory falls below this level various reports on OmniBlocks® app interfaces will highlight the SKU to indicate more product needs to be ordered.

Par level must be set to a value above 0 to be in effect.

A unit of measure (each, grams, liters, etc.) should be set when setting a par level.

Last Updated: OmniBlocks® v1.71

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